Beginning February 3, 2025
Membership enrollment and dues will be centrally managed by LWV-US!
To join or to renew your membership in our league, please visit: * LWVFRA Membership Form.
You can review and update your membership profile here: * LWV Membership Portal.
*Note: These links will not be active until February 3.
If you would like to make a donation directly to our league, separately from your membership fee, you may do so as follows:
Send donations by check to:
Box 271
Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Send donations by PayPal
1) Log in to your existing PayPal account. Proceed to your account overview.
2) Select the “Send” icon.
3) In the box for the recipient, type @LWVFRA and select League of Women Voters of the Fredericksburg Area when it is displayed.
4) Enter the amount of your donation.
5) Select “Continue,” verify your payment information, and select “Send Payment Now.”
Questions? Contact us at: